PROGRAMS for self

The Stress Less Kickstarter

In this 5 day kickstarter program, Natalie will walk you through her tools, tips and tricks that she uses with her clients in her Psychology Clinic. Natalie will cover everything you need to know to start to understand and get control of your stress. You will learn Natalies tried and true tools and techniques to: understand what stress is and recognise it in your body, understand family patterns of stress and understand how to manage stress


The Mindset Blueprint

If you’re ready to challenge your faulty beliefs and change your sabotaging mindset, then The Mindset Blueprint is for you! This online program will show you the secret formula of how to achieve your full potential! Natalie shares her most powerful insights and strategies including the secrets to trick your brain, the shortcuts to bypass any faulty beliefs and the superpower we all have but don’t use. She shows you how and when your beliefs are formed, the roadblocks that stop you challenging and changing them, and the simple formula to always use in times of struggle. Choose from Natalie's 3 tier online course options to find the program which suits the level of support and guidance that suits your needs best!


The Sense of Self (SOS) Project

If you feel like you have lost yourself and are not really sure how to get back there again then this is the course for you! In this 6-week intensive online training program, Natalie shares with you her 20 years of experience and the actual tool and strategies she teaches empowered busy women in her clinic. You will learn how to understand and find yourself through mastering 3 simple steps. Self Image, Self Esteem and your Ideal Self.


The Emotional Literacy Project

If you would like to get connected and grow from the inside out, The Emotional Literacy Program will help you to know and understand more about yourself and others than you thought possible. Natalie will show you the tricks of the psychology trade to understand and manage not only your emotions, but how to understand others as well. Natalie will walk you through the sometimes overwhelming and confusing world of Emotions and how-to: Recognise emotions in self and others, Understand the causes and consequences of emotions, Label emotions accurately, Express emotions appropriately, and, Regulate emotions effectively. Mastering these skills lead to more confidence and healthier connections.


The Values Project

Want the quickest way to increase your self-worth while living by your values and connecting well with others? As a wife, mother and business owner, Natalie is only too aware of how easy it is to struggle with Health and Balance. She has made it her life's mission to help women find their direction by gaining clarity around who they truly identify themselves to be. Because from this state of mind and body, you can achieve balance and live by your values every single day. In The Values Project, Natalie will carefully guide you through the quickest tried and tested methods on how to identify, implement and maintain your values, which will allow you to have direction, purpose and live your life with integrity.


The Boundary Project

If you live and work with others, you will inevitably need to know how to feel comfortable with putting in boundaries. Lucky for you there is a formula that works even in the toughest of situations. In the Boundary Project, you will learn the step-by-step strategies to avoid unhealthy relationships and the fear that holds many women back from implementing and maintaining healthy boundaries. You will learn the How, What, When and Why, plus how to recognise the clear and concise signs you may need to implement a boundary and the roadblocks that get in the way.


The Communication Project

If you would like to communicate effectively and say what you mean and mean what you say with without your emotions getting in the way, then The Communication Project is the course for you! In this 6 Module online course, you will discover the blueprint and quick easy tools to successfully negotiate even the toughest of conversations. Natalie will utilise the tools taught for effective communication and you will learn how to have hypnotic conversations that result in a win-win outcome and how to recognise and defuse roadblocks to your communication. You will learn how to get to the point of any conversation, stay on topic and have a resolution every time.

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